100 Years Of Indian Cinema: Crisis And Resilience

Bandana Jha

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Price : 150
  • ISBN: AST002395

  • No. of Pages: 216

  • Imprint: Regency Publications

  • Publisher: Regency Publications

  • Year: 2018

  • Biblio: xiv+202 p., figs., tabls., ind., 25 cm

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'The book is an invaluable and entertaining guide and resource for the students and general readers. From the year 1913 to 2013, Cinema as a form travelled through a large number of spheres. When the country was under British domination and rule, it was cinema which presented the idea of freedom. When the country was going through the toughest times, it was cinema that actually talked about ideals, aspirations, religion and talked about all the possible ways to lead a better and meaningful life. Cinema as a discipline was trying to become a medium for the masses, which could emerge as something, through which people get meaning and better understanding of their lives. The present book enriched with 27 chapters contributed by experts in their respective fields. With the concepts like Capitalism, Socialism, Independence, Livelihood etc. Indian Cinema was trying to create a new territory Read more

Table of Contents

Acknowledgementv Prefacevii 1.Hundred Years of Indian Cinema: Crisis and Resilience1 2.Confluence of Cinema and Politics: Tamil Filmland5 3.The Film is Dead; Long Live the Cinema: An Economic Analysis of Digitalization of Cinema in India17 4.The Cinema: Most Popular Audio-Visual Mass Medium to Influence Human Development as a Whole29 5.Dialectics of Representing Queer in Indian (Hindi) Cinema39 6.Indian Films and Plight of the Aged49 7.Satyajit Rays AGANTUK: A Picturesque View of Society and the Art of Cinema55 8.Cheluvi and Delhi Safari: Movies Voicing Ecological Concern59 9.Cinematic Journalism, Critic and Multiplexes63 10.De-colonizing the Screen: The Margins Acts Back71 11.Indian Cinema and the Commodified Women77 12.Gender and Caste Dynamics in Indian Cinema from 1930s to 2000s83 13.Changing the Identity of Women in Indian Cinema: A Review Paper91 14.Contribution of Assamese Read more

About the Author/Editor

Dr. Bandana Jha obtained B.A. Hons (Economics) from Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Darbhanga, M.A. (Hindi), M.Phil and Ph.D from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. She has also secured Diploma in Bahasa Indonesia and Mongolian from JNU, New Delhi. Currently Dr. Jha is working as Associate Professor (Deptt. of Hindi and Coordinator, Mass Communication) in Vasanta College for Women (Affiliated to BHU, Varanasi). She has published 4 books and Hundreds of poetries, stories, articles, translated works etc. published in magazines like Aajkal, Vagarth, Sakkshatkar, Baya, Kadambini, Samved, Antika, Mizan etc. and newspapers like Hindustan, Rashtriya Sahara etc.


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