'There has been a long felt need for a book exclusively on the Agricultural Technologies developed/Refined by SKUAST Jammu. The present book contain 100 technologies in Agriculture, Basic Sciences, Biotechnology and Veterinary sciences.'
Table of Contents
Preface v
List of Contributors xv
Division of Agronomy
1. Crop Diversification for Sustainable Productivity
and Higher Land Use Efficiency 1
2. Direct Seeded Rice (DSR) Technology 3
3. Zero-till Technology in Wheat 5
4. Rejuvenation of Weed Infested Grazing Lands 7
5. Ring-pit Planting Method of Sugarcane 9
6. Utilization of Weed Flora Biomass for Vermicomposting 11
Division of Entomology
7. IPM in Cole Crops, Brinjal and Okra 15
8. Management of Grasshoppers 21
9. Management of Varroa destructor Mite 23
10. Management of Pod Borer on Marigold 24
11. Management of Wheat Aphid 26
12. Management of Leaf Folder in Paddy 27
Division of Plant Pathology
13. Round the Year Cultivation of Mushrooms 29
Division of Vegetable Science and Floriculture
14. Integrated Nutrient Management in Vegetable Crops 31
15. Portray Nursery Production Technology 33
16. Seed Production of Knol-Khol under Non-Traditional Environment 34
17. Rapid Multiplication of Tomato Hybrids through Plant Tissue Culture 35
18. Rapid Multiplication of Ginger Planting Material by Low Cost Protocol (PTC) 37
19. Rapid Potato Multiplication through Micro-Tubers Methodology 38
20. River Bed Production of Early Vegetables 39
21. Knol-Khol Production Round the Year 42
Division of Sericulture
22. Chawki Rearing Technology for Increasing Cocoon Production 45
23. PO3 x ND5: A Productive Bivoltine Hybrid 52
Division of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
24. Soil Fertility Mapping of Jammu district 57
25. Assessment of Physical Health and Fertility Status in Soils of Udhampur District of Jammu 61
26. Effect of Integrated Use of Biochar and Organic Manures on Soil Properties and Growth of Knol-Khol (Brassica oleraceavar. gongyloides) 65
27. Impact of Biochar Application on Soil Physical Properties, Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics and Crop Performance in Rice-Wheat System 67
28. Effects of Phosphorus and Sulphur Interaction on Nutrient Uptake and Yield of Black Gram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) 69
29. Response of Zinc and Iron Application in Rice (Cv. Basmati-370) 71
30. Management of Mustard Crop through Sulphur and Zinc Application 73
31. Training and Demonstration of LCC for Real Time Nitrogen Management under Climate Smart Agriculture Practices (CSAP) for Maintaining Ecological Integrity through KVKS 75
32. Assessment of Fertilizer Recommendations in Maize-Wheat, based on Target Yield Concept (TYC) under Subtropical Plains of Jammu 78
Division of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management
33. Economics of Niche Crops and Assessment of Farm Level Diversification in Jammu Region 81
34. An Economic Analysis of Production and Marketing of Rajmash Crop in Doda District 83
35. Economic Analysis of Production and Marketing of Marigold Flowers in Jammu Subtropics 85
Division of Food Technology
36. Development of Fiber Rich Oat-Wheat Flour Blended Biscuits using Mango Peel 89
37. Effect of Pre-treatments and Dehydration on the Quality of Oyster Mushroom 93
38. Development and Quality Evaluation of Brown Rice Based Weaning Food 98
Division of Agricultural Engineering
39. Weeding-cum-Earthing Up Equipment 101
40. Development and Evaluation of Automatic Timer Based Variable Speed Device for Sprinkler System 104
41. Design and Development of a Tractor Operated Soil Compaction Measurement Device 107
Division of Fruit Science
42. Characterization of Walnut (Juglans regia L.) Germplasm in Jammu Province 111
43. Characterization of Pecan Nut (Carya illinoensis K.) Germplasm of Jammu Province 117
Division of Agroforestry
44. Standardize Harvesting Time, Pre-sowing Seed Treatment, Identification of Superior Genotype of Harad and its Vegetative Propagation 121
45. Standardization of Agro-technology of Medicinal Plants: Aloe barbadensis, Gloriosa superba, Rauvolfia serpentina and Silybum marianum 128
46. Diversification/Intensification: An Alternative Cropping System for Enhancing Farm Productivity and Employment under Irrigated Conditions of Jammu 141
47. Integrated Farming System Model towards Round the Year Production, Income and Employment Generation for Small and Marginal Farmers 150
48. System of Rice Intensification Efficient Input Use Methodology 159
AICRP-Weed Management
49. Weedy Rice Management in Transplanted Rice 167
AICRP-Rapeseed and Mustard
50. Moisture Stress Mitigation in Indian Mustard using Agrochemicals 171
51. Bio-efficacy of different Herbicides for Broad Spectrum Weed Management in Chickpea 173
52. Laser Leveling for Improving Yield and Saving Water in Rice-Wheat Sequence under Irrigated Conditions of Jammu 177
53. Multiple Water Use Model for Waterlogged Areas of Jammu Region 180
54. Increased Potato Production and Water Saving through Sprinkler Irrigation in Canal Command of Jammu 182
AICRP-Wheat and Barley
55. Management of Powdery Mildew Diseases of Wheat 185
Research Stations/Sub Stations: Advanced Centre for Rainfed Agriculture,
Rakh Dhiansar, Jammu
56. Integrated Nutrient Management in Rainfed Maize 189
57. Biopesticidal Management of Mustard Aphid 192
58. Mustard Aphid Management through Organic and Inorganic Plant Nutrition 195
Advanced Centre for Horticulture Research, Udheywalla, Jammu
59. Bio-control of Soil-borne Diseases of Vegetables Crops 197
Organic Farming Research Centre, Chatha
60. NSKE: A Potent Biopesticide for Insect Pest and Diseases Management 201
61. High Density Organic Guava Cultivation 206
RHRSS, Bhaderwah
62. Effect of Nutrient Management in Maize + Rajmash Intercropping in Sub-alpine Conditions of Bhaderwah 219
63. Agrotechnique Refinement for Wild Pomegranate (Anardana) in J&K 225
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Rajouri
64. Effect of Row Ratio of Parents and Spacing on Single Cross Hybrid Seed Production of Quality Protein Maize (Zea mays L.) 233
65. Green Fodder Production Round the Year in Rajouri District 237
66. Rainwater Harvesting and its Demonstration for Supplemental Benefits for High Value Crops in Hill Region 241
School of Biotechnology
67. Grain Quality Analysis and Molecular Characterization (DNA Fingerprinting) of Basmati Rice 245
68. Molecular Characterization: A Tool for Diversity Analysis and Varietal Identification in Vegetable Crops using DNA Markers 252
Division of Plant Physiology
69. Management of Unfruitfulness in Olive 261
Krishi Vigyan Kendras
70. Mitigation of Stripe Rust (Yellow Rust) Disease of Wheat through Chemicals and Varieties 269
71. Management of Rhizome Rot of Ginger at Farmers Field in Jammu Region 275
72. Organic Management of Rhizome Rot of Ginger in Reasi District 278
Division of Animal Nutrition
73. Condensed Tannins Enriched Multi-nutrient Blocks for Livestock Productivity Enhancement 283
Division of Veterinary Parasitology
74. Assessment of Economic Losses Caused by Przhevalskiana silenus Infestation in Goats of Jammu Region and Development of Cost Effective Treatment Regimen 289
75. Detection of Acaricide Resistance in Ticks 293
Division of Veterinary Medicine
76. Establishment of Early Diagnostic Markers for the Diagnosis of Bovine Mastitis 297
77. Development of Cost Effective Technology for the Management of Mastitis in Dairy Animals 303
Division of Veterinary Gynecology and Obstetrics
78. Embryo Transfer Technology in Sheep 307
79. Soya Based Extender and Use of Various Semen Additives for Cryopreservation of Cattle and Buffalo Semen 315
Division of Veterinary Pathology
80. Molecular Characterization and Phylogenetic Analysis of different Avipox Viruses 321
81. AgNOR as a Molecular Marker of Cell Proliferation in Various Tumors of Domestic Animals 323
82. Etio-patho Morphological Studies on Gastrointestinal Tract of Broiler Chickens in Jammu 326
Division of Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology
83. Scientific Interventions for Control of Zoonotic Parasites of Livestock and Livestock Rearers 331
84. Public Health Significance of Echino coccosis in Jammu 338
85. Enterotoxigenic Profile of Bacillus cereus in Meat and Meat Products 340
Division of LPM
86. Heat Stress Amelioration in Dairy Cattle by Showering 343
87. Pine Leaves as Bedding Material Improves Economics and Performance of Broiler Chicks 346
88. Enhancement of Growth Performance and Meat Quality of Cyprinus carpio by Chicken Manure 349
89. Turkey Production under Intensive and Semi-Intensive Rearing System 352
Division of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
90. Balanced Total Intravenous Anaesthesia Protocols for Adult Mules 355
91. Management of Intussusception in Cattle 359
92. Post Operative Pain Management in Dogs 363
93. Ultrasound Guided and Laparoscopic Needle Biopsy in Dogs 365
94. Ultrasound Guided Biopsy of Liver and Kidney in Cattle 369
Division of Livestock Products Technology
95. Development of Fiber Enriched Chicken Sausages 373
96. Shelf-Stable Fish Snacks 378
97. Designer Fiber-Enriched Chevon Cutlets 383
98. Development of Composite Meat Chocolate 386
99. Fruit Fiber Fortified Emulsion based Spent Hen Meat Products (Patties) 388
Division of VPB
100. Effect of Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) Leaf Extract on Biochemical and Antioxidant Alterations in Experimentally Induced Diabetes Mellitus and Lead Toxicity in Wistar Rats 393
Index 397 Read more
About the Author/Editor
Dr. Shahid Ahamad presently working as Associate Director Research at Directorate of Research in Sher-E-Kashmir University of Agricultural. Sciences & Technology of Jammu, J.&K. Earlier he has been served as Jr. Scientist (Plant Pathology), Sr. Scientist/Programme Coordinator in KVKs and Dy. Director Research. He is also working as Nodal Officer, PME Cell & Nodal officer, Testing of Products. His research interests are plant diseases management, maize pathology and research management. He Conferred Fellow of Society of Plant Protection Sciences (2005) IARI, New Delhi & Fellow of Indian Phytopathological Society in 2015. He wins many awards viz. Young Achiever Awards-2011; Distinguished Service Awards (2012); Scientist of the Year Award (2013) and Eminence Scientist Awards (2018) for his outstanding contribution in the field of Plant Pathology. He served many Scientific Societies in different capacity viz. Councilor (2012-15) SPPS, New Delhi; Zonal President of IPS (NZ) in 2017. He is also working as editorial members in different society of national and international repute. He has been granted 5 patents, developed 11 crop varieties as Associated Scientist. He has published more than 250 publications including 15 books in Agriculture/Plant Pathology, 65 research papers and 35 book chapters etc. He has visited many foreign countries and delivered invited lectures. He is having 26 years of experience in research, extension and teaching activities.
Dr. R.K. Samnotra, Director Research, SKUAST Jammu a well-known scientist of Vegetable Science in India. He did his B.Sc. (Agri.) and M.Sc. (Vegetable Crops) in 1983 and 1985 from H.P. Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, College of Agriculture, Solan and doctorate from Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana. He worked as a Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor from (1985-1992) and Senior Scientist cum Associate Professor (1992-2004) and became Professor in 2010. He also worked as Prof.& Head, Division of Vegetable Science & Floriculture and Head of Vegetable Sciences for 10 years. Presently holds the position of University Librarian.
Prof. (Dr.) Pardeep Wali, Ex. Director Research is a well known scientist of Soil Science in India. He did M.Sc. (Ag. Hons.) in Sol Science & Agril. Chemistry from Rajasthan College of Agriculture. Udaipur (Rajasthan) and Ph.D (Soil Science) from CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar, Haryana. He worked as Asstt. Professor (Soil Science) in Cold Arid Zone, Leh (Laddakh) and occupied different position as Dy. Director Research, Associate Director Research and Director Research in SKUAST Jammu. He also managed the post of Nodal Officer, Mega Seed under ICAR Scheme wherein breeder seed, foundation seed and certified seed of cereals, oilseeds, pulses and other varieties were produced and distributed to stakeholders. Read more