2003 Invasion Of Iraq: A Study Of The Pre-emptive Use Of Force And Just War

Aparna Chaudhary

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Price : 60
  • ISBN: AST002383

  • No. of Pages: 82

  • Imprint: Scholars World

  • Publisher: Scholars World

  • Year: 2016

  • Biblio: xii+70p., 25cm

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'The present book entitled The 2003 Invasion of Iraq: A Study of the Pre-emptive Use of Force and Just War provides an analysis of the 2003 invasion of Iraq which was justified by the U.S. on two grounds: its action is legal under international law; and this was a just war for saving humanity and innocent lives. It begins with a brief introduction of the background dealing from the period of 1979 (when Saddam Hussein came into ruling). The second chapter of the book gives a brief detail about the kind of changes took place in both the countries Iraq and U.S. after the 11th September incidences; and the neo-cons lobby within the administration tried to show that this is an opportunity to give a shape to the old postponed plans by the U.S. against Iraq. It also presents a critical overview of the causes of the invasion of Iraq by the U.S. For justifying its action, the U.S. administration Read more

Table of Contents

Acknowledgementv Prefacevii Abbreviationsix 1. Introduction1-14 A.Iraq-U.S. Relations before and during the 1990s B.The UN Resolutions C.Voices against Saddam within and Outside Iraq D.Challenges for Iraq after the 1990s 2. Causes of the 2003 Invasion of Iraq15-26 A.Consequences of 11 September 2001 Attacks B.The Role of Neo-cons after 11 September 2001 C.The Real and Ostensible Reasons Behind the U.S.-led Invasion of Iraq 3. Pre-emptive Use of Force under International Law and Iraq27-40 A.The Legality and Permissibility of the Pre-emptive Use of Force B.Locating the Case of Iraq Under the Pre-emptive Use of Force 4. Just War Theory and the Invasion of Iraq41-54 A.Introduction of Just War Theory B.Jean Bethke Elshtains Defense of the U.S.-led War on Terror C.Responses of Academia and Churches on Elshtains Stand D. Locating the Case of Iraq in Just War Tradition 5. Conclu Read more

About the Author/Editor

Aparna Chaudhary is a research scholar in Centre for West Asian Studies (CWAS), School of International Studies (SIS), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. She has completed M.A. in Politics with specialization in International Politics; qualified UGC-NET in International Relations & Area Studies and Political Science. Currently, she is working on her Ph. D work, focusing on Oil Issue in Post-Saddam Iraq; it will examine the relationship between the U.S. and Iraq via the application of the core periphery.


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